Boxes! [winter break suggestion]

Boxes, Boxes, Boxes...a timeless source of fun and pleasure for children which fosters imagination.

Everyone has heard it, "Look at all the gifts my child got and all they want to play with is the boxes."

Don't try to fight it, use it.  Children love boxes!  They can climb in them, they can build with them, they let their imaginations run free and that is key.


  • Boxes of any kind
  • Big boxes for getting into
  • Shoe boxes for building
  • Tape, paper, crayons, markers, string, material, anything to decorate and build


  • Boxes are inviting and containing. A box challenges a child's broad imagination, yet guides the child to provide details from their imagination.
  • Boxes help children develop and create limits and boundaries for themselves and their stuffed animals.


Box Play is becoming a lost frontier...allow your child to become an explorer!

Do you have some box play stories to share?  Click the "Post a Comment" link below to add your thoughts and help spark other explorers' (or their parents') imaginations. 


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