On Friday the Supernova room hosted a F.U.D.G.E. (Fathers, Uncles, Dads, Grandparents, Everyone) party to honor Father's Day and acknowledge that every family celebrates in their own way. 

During the day, before the event, the class was busy. They made a batch of delicious fudge to share. (I tasted it so I can vouch for its deliciousness.) They also decorated banners to hang around the room and used that activity to talk about everyone's family and how families are often different from one's own.

Because every family is different, the idea of FUDGE day is to be inclusive and invite everyone! With that there were dads, grandfathers, great grandfathers, little sisters, big brothers, moms, aunts, uncles and friends all joining in the celebration.

It was quite wonderful to experience the sharing of dads and at times you could not tell who belonged to who.

While the plan was to have reading stories be the day's main activity, getting a bowl of icecream and then adding sprinkles to it had its own set of fans.


We hope you had a great FUDGE Day on Sunday and got to eat some ice cream or do whatever you do to say thanks to your father, uncle, dad, grandparents and everyone in your life.

For more photos, visit the FUDGE Day Gallery.

Post by Jeffrey Pomranka