Stomp! [summer camp plans]

Children will use a variety of materials to explore sound, music, musical instruments, and noise with their whole bodies.

Music & Movement:
We will dance and drum to different musical genres and explore percussion sounds, beats and rhythms. Musical instruments and scarves will be provided to play and dance with our C.D.’s that will represent music from different nations.

Art & Construction:
Through this week of camp the children will be painting and creating rain sticks with tubes, beans, and toothpicks.  We will stomp on bubble wrap and then construct a creation out of recycled objects. 

Science & Sensory: The children will explore the movements and vibrations of sounds as they use a variety of materials including tuning forks, gongs, xylophones, drums, and can phones.  We will also seek to discover if water impedes or enhances sound.  

Click to download the curriculm plan for Stomp!

Infant/Toddler plans:  Milky Ways  &  Moonbeams