2-year-olds Exploring Textures

Below is a short photo essay of the Starbursts examining two different textures in their sensory table. 

On Monday I passed by the Starbursts room and saw a white powdery cloud of children.

In their sensory table was cornstarch. They worked on fine motor skills, communicating, taking turns, and learning about the soft, powdery texture.

Lily concentrated on filling a dinosaur.

The original plan was to make Oobleck, but the children were interested in the powdery cornstarch so adding water was held off for a day. On Tuesday, the powder was stringy, ooey, gooey, Ooblek. As you can see, Lily still enjoyed filling things.

As you can see, the Starbursts had a great time exploring science this week and learning how simply adding water can change a substance significantly. 

Click to see more photos from this week in the Starbursts room.

Post by Jeffrey Pomranka