UCCC is thrilled to be a non-profit partner for Give STL Day May 6!

May 6, 2014 is GIVE STL DAY, we are asking everyone to support University City Children's Center in our fundraising efforts. It is a metropolitan effort for over 500 Not-For-Profit organizations in the Saint Louis area. We are asking for a minimum gift of $10 to UCCC's Tuition Assistance Program. What can we do in a day? Here are six reasons to donate on this important day! 

Photo by Jeffery Pomranka

1. What happens early in life lasts a lifetime!
90% of the brain's intricate infrastructure forms by age five. Children need high quality early childhood care and education to reach their full potential.

3. Helping families meet the expense of quality child care is crucial to our mission at UCCC.

4. Typical scholarships at UCCC range from 10%-60% off the cost of tuition.

5. UCCC is continuously improving our definition of success. It is a careful combination of concrete measurable data, core studies, culture surveys, and success stories from families and former students.

6. Let's see what we can collectively accomplish on May 6!

To donate visit www.givestlday.org, Type in University City Children's Center, and then donate. We can't thank everyone enough for their ongoing support. This is going to be a great day for Saint Louis and University City Children's Center!