Welcome to UCCC and LUME!

Welcome Sonya! 
Sonya Burnett, long-time First Steps Coordinator and Parents as Teachers parent educator, has joined the LUME Institute staff as a part-time trainer/coach. She will assist Roxeanna Steiner with coaching for the Child Care Aware of Eastern Missouri EFFEC+ program as she gets started and learns the ropes. 

Welcome Demond! 
Demond Hughes has joined our Kitchen Staff as sous chef to Ms. Desiree. He started his part-time position on Monday, February 29. Looking ahead, he will eventually work full-time when Ms. Desiree goes on her next big adventure - retirement! 

Welcome Miton! 
Miton Clayborn, expert trainer with experience working in a variety of community and education-focused programs, has joined the LUME Institute staff as Project Manager for the SLATE project. Working with St. Louis Agency on Training and Development, Miton will recruit and lead a program for participants to earn a Child Development Associate (CDA) and join the field of early childhood education.