Name: Anne Lowell

Position: Interim Executive Director

Bio: Anne Kessen Lowell is a Senior Consultant with EMD Consulting Group and serves UCCC as Interim Executive Director. At EMD she works with nonprofit and public sector agencies to solve challenges and build capacity through strategic planning, organizational capacity development, grant writing, facility acquisition or renovation, and general project management.

After graduating from Oberlin College and the Yale School of Management, Anne spent the early part of her career working with cities and nonprofit organizations to revitalize and strengthen urban neighborhoods across the country. Prior to joining EMD in 2015, she served as SouthSide Early Childhood Center’s Executive Director. Under Anne’s leadership SouthSide gained recognition as one of the finest early childhood programs in the St. Louis region and moved to a new, state-of-the-art center. With EMD Anne served as Interim Executive Director for Downtown Children's Center and Flance Early Learning Center and has consulted with several other early childhood organizations on a variety of projects.

In addition to her work with EMD, Anne is a Reviewer Consultant for the Office of Head Start and in that capacity has served on teams reviewing dozens of programs across the country. Anne also serves on Flance's Program Committee as a volunteer, and is a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). 

Anne and her husband Jeff live in Forest Park Southeast and are the proud parents of two grown daughters.

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