Kindergarten Readiness Panel 12/4

Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:30 pm
At University City Children's Center 
6646 Vernon Avenue 
University City, MO 63130 

What is Kindergarten Readiness?

Kindergarten readiness is more than knowing how to count, being able to write your name or reciting facts. Kindergarten readiness is not a linear process, yet, school entrance is often communicated in a linear fashion: “Your child must be able to….” 

Have a conversation with an experienced panel of parents, teachers, and administrators. Do you have questions as a parent you would like to have answered?

Research shows that a child’s chronological age isn't the best way to decide whether he or she has what it takes to be a successful Kindergartner. Instead, a child’s readiness needs to be observed on several fronts, including physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. Early childhood years are messy. During these first five years, children are discovering self “… who am I and how do I fit in the world?” The job of preschool age children is to constantly test the boundaries of the world in which they live. They search for adult partnerships to guide them through these messy years. What is kindergarten readiness? It is a child who is emotionally safe and as, a result, can take on the necessary social encounters that face them as they prepare to take academic risk.

We look forward to having a conversation and answering questions on December 4. Please RSVP below to this panel as space is limited. Thank you.