Teach With Purpose: Environment Matters

At University City Children’s Center we know that the learning environment matters. We strive to make our environment welcoming to all children and families, and one where children feel a sense of emotional security and safety. 

Why the Educational Environment Matters

The physical environment is key to early childhood development and education. Every step, from the entryway to the classroom, is an opportunity to help our students feel emotionally safe.

For some children, transitioning from home to school can be emotionally challenging. Cultivating an environment that feels more like home can help put them at ease; and establishing a transitional routine can evoke a sense of emotionally safety. Children at UCCC are also encouraged to bring a transitional object to remind them of home. 

“Intentionally attending to things in the physical environment is another way that we can promote emotional safety for children,” said Nikki Daluga-Guenther, LUME Institute’s Program Evaluations Coordinator. “That helps them take the risks that are necessary for them to grow and develop,”

Starting School: From Fish to Flags

UCCC is packed full of things specifically for children. Wind chimes in the entryway are hung just high enough for children to jump and hit. Others pause to ring the gongs and bells at the front desk. And climbing on the stone turtle and peering eye-to-eye with the fishes in the tank are fun ways for children to start their day at school.

Further inside, an array of decorations make children feel welcomed, like the many flags that represent our students’ diverse ethnicities and cultures. UCCC also incorporates everyday items within children’s reach, like shorter bookshelves and child-sized benches.

UCCC Administrative Assistant, Hannah Wohs, points out that the UCCC design is intentional. “We really want it to feel like their space and for them to have permission to explore their area. Because this is theirs.”

Teach With Purpose at University City Children’s Center

At UCCC, teaching with purpose is about more than teaching in the classroom, it’s about the entire learning experience, including the environment in which our young learners spend their day. Learn more about what it means to teach with purpose at University City Children’s Center.