UCCC in the Post-Dispatch

On Sunday, August 2, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch will run an article written by Aisha Sultan about her visits over four months to University City Children’s Center. The article is titled “Teaching grit while wanting to quit” and it’s about a series of days in the lives of our children and teachers.

We felt honored to be a part of this piece, because we are honored to be in the unique position of supporting all children. We felt this was an opportunity for us to go on the record with how complicated it is to teach children social and emotional skills. But we believe there is no more important work than that, and we are proud to do it.

UCCC’s focus is to be emotionally responsive to every child’s individual needs no matter how challenging his or her behavior is. One thing our research has shown us is that the longer a child spends at UCCC, the more impact we have on his or her social and emotional development. But no matter how long they’ve been with us, we are committed to them. When a child is enrolled at UCCC we simply don’t give up on him or her or the family.

It is our daily reality that there are a lot of tough early childhood issues. This article shines a light on some of those issues and how we compassionately partner with children and families to address them. Along with her article, Ms. Sultan published a column in Sunday’s Lifestyle section. In it she delves into what she as a parent has learned from the teachers at UCCC. All families face parenting challenges – it is our privilege to help resolve them.